Online registration

Application for Admission


4 letters + 8 numbers
You must provide your Social Insurance Number in order to receive Tax Receipts If you do not have a Social Insurance Number in Canada, leave this field blank.

Permanent Address


Other Information

reserved for minors


- Birth certificate (with parents' names)
- Recent transcripts (secondary and, if applicable, college and university)
- Up-to-date curriculum vitae (in the absence of a DES)
- If applicable, all documents related to immigration and Quebec resident status

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Maximum 5 files (PDF) Max: 2 MB per file

Conditions and consent

When analyzing this admission application, the information appearing on this form and, if applicable, on the accompanying documents will be verified by Collège BCM or its agent. Data relating to your identity, your school attendance and your academic results will be verified with the Ministry of Education (MEQ) and the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) and educational establishments. Your citizenship data will also be verified with the Ministry of Education (MEQ) and the Ministry of Higher Education (MES). I declare that the information provided in this admission application is accurate. I authorize Collège BCM or its agent to verify the information appearing on this form or on the accompanying documents, if applicable. I authorize the Ministry of Education (MEQ), the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) and educational establishments to transmit to Collège BCM or its agent my academic results. I authorize BCM College to verify my citizenship data with the Ministry of Education (MEQ) and the Ministry of Higher Education (MES).

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